Quotation Explorer - 'Stuart J. Scesney'

There comes a point when you can only sweep so much under the rug, 'til you feel lumps under your feet and your path seems to become less ccomfortable. - Stuart J. Scesney
There comes a point when you can only sweep so much under the rug, 'til you feel lumps under your feet and your path seems to become less comfortable. - Stuart J. Scesney
The day you STOP expecting people to have the same compassion as you do,love like you & act like you would in a situation...Will be the day that will people stop letting you down. - Stuart J. Scesney
There comes a point when you can only sweep so much under the rug, 'til you feel lumps under your feet and your path seems to become less ccomfortable". - Stuart J. Scesney
When life gives you lemons...add melted butter , toasted paprika and dip some lobster in it! - Stuart J. Scesney
When life gives you lemons...add melted butter , toasted paprik and dip some lobster in it! - Stuart J. Scesney
When life gives you lemons...add melted butter , toasted paprike and dip some lobster in it! - Stuart J. Scesney
Have as much fun as you can in life because you never know when it will end. - Stuart J. Scesney
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